Source code for snek5000.util.restart

"""Utilities to restart a simulation


import os
import sys
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent

from fluidsim_core.scripts.restart import RestarterABC

from ..log import logger
from ..output import _make_path_session, _parse_path_run_session_id
from ..params import load_params
from ..solvers import get_solver_short_name, import_cls_simul
from .files import _path_try_from_fluidsim_path, next_path

[docs]class SnekRestartError(Exception): pass
[docs]class SimStatus(Enum): """Simulation status inspired from HTTP response status codes_. .. _codes: """ OK = (200, "OK: All prerequisities satisfied to restart.") RESET_CONTENT = ( 205, ( "Reset Content: Multi-file restart found. Some field files exist. " "Restarting in the same session would overwrite files. " "Ensure current session is archived or restart in a new session or " "a new directory." ), ) PARTIAL_CONTENT = ( 206, ( "Partial Content: No multi-file restart found. Some field files exist. " "Ensure current session is archived or restart in a new session or " "a new directory." ), ) NOT_FOUND = ( 404, "Not Found: SIZE and/or nek5000 is missing.", ) LOCKED = ( 423, ( "Locked: The path is currently locked by snakemake. " "Execute `snakemake --unlock` function snek5000.make.unlock." ), ) TOO_EARLY = ( 425, "Too Early: Seems like snakemake was never executed.", ) def __init__(self, code: int, message: str): self.code = code #: status code self.message = message #: helpful description
[docs]def get_status(path_dir, session_id=None, verbose=False): """Get status of a simulation run by verifying its contents. It checks if: - snakemake was ever executed - directory is locked by snakemake (either due to a running simulation or a terminated one) - necessary files for starting a simulation exist - restart files exist Parameters ---------- path : str or path-like Path to an existing simulation directory session_id : int Integer suffix of the session directory verbose : bool Print out the path and its contents Returns ------- _ : SimStatus Enumeration indicating status code and message """ path = Path(path_dir) if session_id: path_session = _make_path_session(path, session_id) else: path_session = Path(load_params(path_dir).output.path_session) locks_dir = path / ".snakemake" / "locks" contents = os.listdir(path) if verbose: print(path, "\nContents:", contents) if not (path / ".snakemake").exists(): return SimStatus.TOO_EARLY elif locks_dir.exists(): locks = tuple(locks_dir.iterdir()) if locks: return SimStatus.LOCKED if not {"SIZE", "nek5000"}.issubset(contents): return SimStatus.NOT_FOUND checkpoints = set(path.glob("rs6*0.f?????")) field_files = set(path_session.glob("*0.f?????")) if checkpoints and field_files: return SimStatus.RESET_CONTENT elif field_files: return SimStatus.PARTIAL_CONTENT else: return SimStatus.OK
[docs]def load_for_restart( path_dir=".", use_start_from=None, use_checkpoint=None, session_id=None, verify_contents=True, new_dir_results=False, only_check=False, ): """Load params and Simul for a restart. >>> params, Simul = load_for_restart(name_dir) Parameters ---------- path_dir: str or path-like (optional) The directory of an existing simulation. If nothing is given, we load the data in the current directory. Can be an absolute path, a relative path, or even simply just the name of the directory under $FLUIDSIM_PATH. use_start_from: str or int Name or index of the field file to restart from. Mutually exclusive option with ``use_checkpoint``. use_checkpoint: int, {1, 2} Number of the multi-file checkpoint file set to restart from. Mutually exclusive parameter with ``use_start_from``. session_id: int Indicate which session directory should be used to look for restart files. If not specified it would default to the `path_session` value last recorded in the `params_simul.xml` file. verify_contents: bool Verify directory contents to avoid runtime errors. new_dir_results: bool (default False) Create a new directory for the new simulation. Notes ----- How it works: - If ``verify contents`` is `True`, do so using :func:`get_status` - Reads ``params_simul.xml`` if it exists, and if not falls back to ``.par`` file. - Modifies parameters (in memory, but does not write into the filesystem, yet) ``start_from`` (Nek5000) or checkpoint module (requires KTH framework) with appropriate ``chkp_fnumber`` to restart from. """ path = _path_try_from_fluidsim_path(path_dir) # In case the user specifies the path to a session sub-directory if session_id is None: path, session_id = _parse_path_run_session_id(path) try: params = load_params(path) except (ValueError, OSError) as err: raise SnekRestartError(err) from err status = get_status(path, session_id or params.output.session_id) if verify_contents: if status.code >= 400: raise SnekRestartError(f"{status.code}: {status.message}") else:"{status.code}: {status.message}") # Load Simul class and parameters short_name = get_solver_short_name(path) try: Simul = import_cls_simul(short_name) except ImportError: raise ImportError(f"Cannot import Simul class of solver {short_name}") # Set restart file if use_start_from and use_checkpoint: raise SnekRestartError( "Options use_start_from and use_checkpoint are mutually exclusive. " "Use only one option at a time." ) elif not use_start_from and not use_checkpoint: raise SnekRestartError( "No restart files were requested. " "This would result in a fresh simulation in a new session." ) elif use_checkpoint: if use_checkpoint in (1, 2) and status in ( SimStatus.OK, SimStatus.RESET_CONTENT, ): params.nek.chkpoint.chkp_fnumber = use_checkpoint params.nek.chkpoint.read_chkpt = True else: raise SnekRestartError( f"Restart checkpoint {use_checkpoint} is invalid / does not exist" ) if hasattr(params, "output") and hasattr(params.output, "HAS_TO_SAVE"): params.output.HAS_TO_SAVE = True params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS = bool(new_dir_results) if use_start_from: if session_id is not None: old_path_session = _make_path_session(path, session_id) else: old_path_session = Path(params.output.path_session) try: index_start_from = int(use_start_from) except ValueError: path_start_from = old_path_session / use_start_from else: paths = sorted(old_path_session.glob(f"{short_name}0.*")) path_start_from = paths[index_start_from] params.nek.general._set_internal_attr("_path_start_from", path_start_from) name_restart_file = "init_state.restart" if new_dir_results: params.path_run = None params.output.path_session = None params.output.session_id = 0 if use_start_from: params.nek.general.start_from = name_restart_file # new option Nek5000 master for interpolation on a new mesh # params.nek.general.start_from = name_restart_file + " int" else: new_session_id, new_path_session = next_path( path / "session", force_suffix=True, return_suffix=True ) params.output.session_id = new_session_id params.output.path_session = new_path_session if not only_check: new_path_session.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if not only_check and use_start_from: if path_start_from.exists(): params.nek.general.start_from = name_restart_file src = f"../{}/{}" dest = new_path_session / name_restart_file logger.debug(f"Symlinking {dest} -> {src}") dest.symlink_to(src) else: raise SnekRestartError(f"Restart file {path_start_from} not found") return params, Simul
[docs]class Restarter(RestarterABC):
[docs] def create_parser(self): parser = super().create_parser() parser.add_argument( "-np", "--nb-mpi-procs", type=int, default=4, help="Number of MPI processes", ) parser.add_argument( "--use-start-from", type=str, default=None, help=( "Name (relative to the session path) of the field file " "to restart from. " "Mutually exclusive option with `use_checkpoint`." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--use-checkpoint", type=int, default=None, help=( "Number of the multi-file checkpoint file set to restart from. " "Mutually exclusive parameter with `use_start_from`." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--session-id", type=int, default=None, help=( "Indicate which session directory should be used to look for " "restart files. If not specified it would default to the " "`path_session` value last recorded in the `params_simul.xml` file." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--skip-verify-contents", action="store_true", help="Do not verify directory contents to avoid runtime errors.", ) parser.add_argument( "--add-to-end-time", type=float, default=None, help="Time added to params.nek.general.end_time", ) parser.add_argument( "--end-time", type=float, default=None, help="params.nek.general.end_time", ) parser.add_argument( "--num-steps", type=int, default=None, help="params.nek.general.num_steps", ) return parser
_str_command_after_simul = dedent( """ # To visualize with IPython: cd {path_run}; snek-ipy-load """ ) def _get_params_simul_class(self, args): if args.use_start_from is None and args.use_checkpoint is None: logger.error("Either --use-start-from or --use-checkpoint have to be given") sys.exit(1) return load_for_restart( args.path, use_start_from=args.use_start_from, use_checkpoint=args.use_checkpoint, session_id=args.session_id, verify_contents=not args.skip_verify_contents, new_dir_results=args.new_dir_results, only_check=args.only_check, ) def _set_params_time_stepping(self, params, args): if args.num_steps is not None: params.nek.general.stop_at = "numSteps" params.nek.general.num_steps = int(args.num_steps) elif args.end_time is not None or args.add_to_end_time is not None: params.nek.general.stop_at = "endTime" if args.end_time is not None: end_time = args.end_time else: end_time = float(params.nek.general.end_time) + args.add_to_end_time params.nek.general.end_time = end_time def _start_sim(self, sim, args): if args.new_dir_results: if args.use_start_from: sim.create_symlink_start_from_file( sim.params.nek.general._path_start_from ) elif args.use_checkpoint: sim.create_symlinks_checkpoint_files(args.path) sim.make.exec("run_fg", nproc=args.nb_mpi_procs) def _check_params_time_stepping(self, params, path_file, args): args_times = [args.num_steps, args.end_time, args.add_to_end_time] if sum(arg is not None for arg in args_times) > 1: raise ValueError( "--add-to-end-time, --end-time and --num-steps are exclusive options." ) def _get_path_restart_file(self, params, args): if args.use_start_from is not None: path_file = args.use_start_from elif args.use_checkpoint is not None: path_file = f"Use checkpoint files (use_checkpoint={args.use_checkpoint})" return path_file
_restarter = Restarter() create_parser = _restarter.create_parser
[docs]def main(): _restarter.restart()
if "sphinx" in sys.modules: from textwrap import indent from unittest.mock import patch with patch.object(sys, "argv", ["snek-restart"]): parser = create_parser() __doc__ += """ Help message ------------ .. code-block:: """ + indent( parser.format_help(), " " )