
Preliminary: setup Nek5000#

You should always have the environment variable NEK_SOURCE_ROOT pointing to the Nek5000 source code directory:

export NEK_SOURCE_ROOT="/path/to/Nek5000"


You may want to also add the Nek5000 bin directory in your path (with something like export PATH=$PATH:$NEK_SOURCE_ROOT/bin) to also be able to use Nek5000 directly without Snek5000, but it should not be mandatory for Snek5000.


Nek5000 version: To ensure compatibility, you should use our fork snek5000/Nek5000. It contains some bug fixes and enhancements on top of Nek5000 v19 1. We cannot use the bleeding-edge master branch of Nek5000 due to another bug 2.

Nek5000 dependencies: Ensure you have the necessary compilers, build tools and libraries as recommended in the Nek5000 documentation.

Install using pip#

Snek5000 requires Python version 3.8 and above. For most purposes, we recommend creating a virtual environment and then running:

pip install snek5000

See Developer Guide if you wish to install for development.

Install using conda / mamba#

In certain cases, typically:

  • in an OS where at least Python version 3.8 is unavailable, or

  • to use PyPy instead of CPython,

a simple pip install snek5000 may not cut it. Then, it is recommended to use conda (or mamba) to set up the Python environment first. To install Snek5000 with a Python interpreter of your choice, download the environment.yaml file to your hard disk and then execute:

conda create --name env-snek -c conda-forge pypy pip pandas xarray
conda activate env-snek
conda install --yes --file environment.yaml
pypy -m pip install snek5000
conda create --name env-snek -c conda-forge python pip
conda activate env-snek
conda install --yes --file environment.yaml
python -m pip install snek5000

Optional dependencies



The following commits in the snek5000/Nek5000 fork compared to Nek5000 v19 release are essential for Snek5000 to work correctly.

  1. Fixes bug which can cause simultaneously launched simulation to fail: Nek5000/Nek5000@3e53855

  2. Allows for upto 20 userparams Nek5000/Nek5000@5581603

These are also available in the upstream master branch, but has not been released yet. If you have your own Nek5000 fork, consider executing git cherry-pick of these commits.


The master branch handles the working directory differently as compared to Nek5000 v19. We will try to support this when they release the new version and finalize it. See issue #270 for more details.