Internal API of Parameters#

See also

Tutorial on FluidDyn’s ParamContainer API and documentation of fluiddyn.util.paramcontainer.ParamContainer which is extended for Snek5000.

The function fluidsim_core.params.iter_complete_params() also comes in handy while building default Parameters.



Convert Python values to equivalent Nek5000 par values.


Convert Nek5000 par values to equivalent Python values if possible.


Check if params is the top level object (via the _tag attribute) and return the params.nek object.


params (Parameters) – The params object


params.nek – The params.nek object

Return type




Ensure input is a path-like object


Check if the index of user parameter is within bounds

Input / Output#

snek5000.params._complete_params_from_xml_file(params, path_xml)[source]#

Populate the params.nek object by reading a .xml file and filename_map_user_params.

snek5000.params._save_recorded_user_params(user_params, path_dir)[source]#

Save a JSON file from a dictionary denoting user_params


Load a JSON file and return a dictionary denoting user_params

snek5000.params._save_par_file(params, path, mode='w')[source]#

Save the params.nek object as a .par file.


Preview contents of the resulting .par file as a string

Parameters class internals#

class snek5000.params.Parameters(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Container for reading, modifying and writing par files.


tag – A string representing name of case files (for example: provide "abl" for files like abl.usr, abl.par etc).

classmethod _load_params_simul(path=None)[source]

Alias for load_params()

__update_par_section(section_name, section_dict, has_to_prune_literals=True)

Updates a section of the par_file object from a dictionary.

_sync_par(has_to_prune_literals=True, keep_all_sections=False)[source]

Sync values in param children and attributes to self._par_file object.


Remove internal attributes and disabled sections from par file.


Autodoc a code block with ini syntax and set docstring.

_record_nek_user_params(nek_params_keys, overwrite=False)[source]

Record some Nek user parameters


>>> params._record_nek_user_params({"prandtl": 2, "rayleigh": 3})
>>> params.output.history_points._record_nek_user_params({"write_interval": 4})

This is going to set or modify the internal attribute params.nek.general._recorded_user_params to {2: "prandtl", 3: "rayleigh", 4: "output.other.write_interval"}.

This attribute is then used to write the [GENERAL] section of the .par file.

Note that this attribute is only for params.nek.general and should never be set for other parameter children.


Change indices for user parameters

This method can be used in the create_default_params class method of a solver to overwrite the default indices used in the base snek5000 package.

This method checks that no already recorded parameters are overwritten. To overwrite a parameter, use _record_nek_user_params with the overwrite argument.


>>> params._change_index_userparams({8: "output.history_points.write_interval"}
_save_as_xml(path_file=None, comment=None, find_new_name=False)[source]

Invoke _save_recorded_user_params() and then save to an XML file at path_file.

classmethod _create_params(input_info_solver)[source]

Create a Parameters instance from an InfoSolverCore instance.

classmethod _load_info_solver(path_dir=None)[source]

Load the solver information, return an InfoSolverCore instance.


A tree-like nested dictionary, including attributes and children.


Produce and return a xml text representing the container.


Modify the object with another similar container.


Print the xml text representing the container.

_save_as_hdf5(path_file=None, hdf5_object=None, hdf5_parent=None, invalid_netcdf=False)

Save in a hdf5 file.

_set_as_child(child, change_parent=True)

Associate a ParamContainer as a child.

_set_attrib(key, value)

Add an attribute to the container.


Add the attributes to the container.

_set_child(tag, attribs=None, doc=None)

Add a child (of the same class) to the container.

_set_internal_attr(key, value)