How to run the tests#

As in the CI with nox#

Our tests are run on Github Actions with

nox --session tests-cov -- -v --runslow --cov-report=xml

So the following command can be useful

# first time (creation of the environment)
nox -s tests-cov
# after the creation of the environment
nox -s tests-cov -r --no-install
nox -s tests-cov -r --no-install -- -v --runslow

With the session tests instead of tests-cov, no coverage report is created.

Manually without nox#

Of course, if can be very useful to launch some tests manually. With the test or dev dependencies installed, one can run for example:

pytest tests
pytest --runslow tests/
pytest --runslow tests/
pytest -h | grep pdb
pytest tests/ --pdb --pdbcls=IPython.terminal.debugger:TerminalPdb