Configuring compilation and execution#

Since snek5000 acts as a thin interface automation of not just setting up a run, but also the compilation and execution, you would often need to customize the compiler and its flags. By default it is configured to use gcc, gfortran and OpenMPI to compile the code.

CC: gcc
FC: gfortran
MPICC: mpicc
MPIFC: mpif77
MPIEXEC: "mpiexec"
MPIEXEC_FLAGS: "--oversubscribe"
CFLAGS: "-march=native"
FFLAGS: "-march=native -mcmodel=medium -std=legacy"

Customization via config files#

You are expected to keep one configuration file for per machine / cluster where snek5000 is executed. When a file is not found during runtime it issues a warning similar to:

WARNING: Missing a configuration file describing compilers and flags. Create one at either of the following paths to avoid future warnings:
The command `snek-generate-config` could be used to create a user config file for you.
Using default configuration for now:

As the warnings suggest, (i) a simple method to avoid these warnings is to run the command snek-generate-config and (ii) there are three possible paths where you can save your configuration:

  1. ~/.config/snek5000/<hostname>.yml

  2. ~/.config/snek5000.yml

  3. <path to package root>/etc/<hostname>.yml


<hostname> is usually the output of the hostname command in POSIX, or alternatively:

python -c 'import socket; print(socket.gethostname())'

See snek5000.output.base.Output.find_configfile() for more details.

Overriding configuration in the launching script#

One can override a configuration variable from a launching script by calling the function snek5000.output.base.Output.write_snakemake_config():

    custom_env_vars={"MPIEXEC_FLAGS": "--report-pid PID.txt"}

Overriding configuration with environment variables#

To allow for reproducible runs, it is discouraged to rely on environment variables to set the configuration. Nevertheless, it is possible to do so by setting up the environment variable SNEK_UPDATE_CONFIG_ENV_SENSITIVE as follows:

export MPIEXEC_FLAGS="--report-pid PID.txt"

It is also possible to force this behavior in the user Snakefile by using the following function call.

Output.update_snakemake_config(config, CASE, env_sensitive=True)

See snek5000.output.base.Output.update_snakemake_config() and src/snek5000_canonical/Snakefile for more details

On compiling and running simultaneous simulations#

Snek5000 supports compiling multiple simulation runs from different terminals or cluster jobs in realtime. It will also take care of rebuilding the Nek5000 libraries if the compiler configuration changes. We use the filelock library to avoid multiple rebuilds. See Class _Nek5000Make for more information.


There is a small caveat with this solution. If a series of jobs are launched which uses various compiler configurations, then it would rebuild Nek5000 tools and libraries again and again during sim.output.post_init - and suddenly some library would be missing during the sim.make.exec call. As long as all subsequent jobs use the same compiler configuration, it should work.