How to read / write default parameter values from a *.par file#

Snek5000 is capable of parsing existing *.par files. This is shown in the snek5000-tgv example,

from snek5000.solvers.base import SimulNek
from snek5000.params import complete_params_from_par_file

class SimulTGV(SimulNek):
    def create_default_params(cls):

        # Read defaults for `params.nek` from `tgv.par.cfg` (original code)
            params, Path(__file__).parent / f"{cls.info_solver.short_name}.par.cfg"

This is useful while porting an existing Nek5000 code as a Snek5000 solver. See the function’s documentation for more details.


In Snek5000 we follow a convention of renaming the *.par file as *.par.cfg in the common source code file to distinguish from the generated *.par file for a specific simulation.