Source code for snek5000.output.print_stdout

"""Load and parse stdout from Nek5000.


import re
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

from fluiddyn.util.util import modification_date
from snek5000 import mpi

# Uses awkupy
# %load_ext iawk

[docs]class PrintStdOut: """Parse standard output log files.""" _tag = "print_stdout" def __init__(self, output=None, path_file=None): self.output = output self._path_file = path_file = None self._data_modif_time = None @property def path_file(self): output = self.output if output and not self._path_file: path_run = Path(output.path_run) logfiles = sorted(path_run.glob("*.log")) if logfiles: try: self._path_file = next( file for file in logfiles if == f"{output.name_solver}.log" ) except StopIteration: self._path_file = logfiles[-1] else: self._path_file = path_run / f"{output.name_solver}.log" return self._path_file.resolve() @path_file.setter def path_file(self, path_log_file): self._path_file = path_log_file @property def text(self): with open(self.path_file) as fp: return
[docs] def load(self, pressure_solver="gmres"): """Load time data from the log file""" # Parse text starting with Step # path_file_time = modification_date(self.path_file) if is not None and path_file_time <= self._data_modif_time: return pattern_step = r"""^Step # For all lines starting with Step \s* # Followed by some whitespaces (?P<it>\d+) # 0: Capture timestep which are integers .* # Followed by some characters until t=\s* # t=spaces (?P<t>\S+) # 1: Capture t: any non-whitespace char ,\s* # comma and spaces DT=\s* # DT=spaces (?P<dt>\S+) # 2: Capture DT: any non-whitespace char ,\s* # comma and spaces C=\s* # C=spaces (?P<CFL>\S+) # 3: Capture C: any non-whitespace char """ # TODO: add undocumented params.nek.pressure.solver parameter # See Line 445 in Nek5000/core/reader_par.f pattern_pressure = rf"""^\ + (?P<it2>\d+) .* PRES\ {pressure_solver} # For all lines containing a string like PRES gmres \s+ (?P<pres_it>\d+) \s+ (?P<pres_div>\S+) \s+ (?P<pres_div0>\S+) \s+ (?P<pres_tol>\S+) \s+ (?P<pres_etime>\S+) \s+ (?P<pres_etime1>\S+) """ expr = re.compile( f"({pattern_step})|({pattern_pressure})", re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE, ) keys_all = tuple(expr.groupindex) # Divide into two tuples at "it2" idx = keys_all.index("it2") keys_step, keys_pressure = keys_all[:idx], keys_all[idx:] matches = tuple(expr.finditer(self.text)) def make_dict(keys): return {key: [m[key] for m in matches] for key in keys} def make_df(keys): return ( pd.DataFrame.from_dict(make_dict(keys)) .dropna() .astype({key: int if key == "it" else float for key in keys}) ) df_step = make_df(keys_step).set_index("it") df_pressure = ( make_df(keys_pressure).rename(columns={"it2": "it"}).set_index("it") ) = df_step.join(df_pressure) self._data_modif_time = path_file_time return
def __call__(self, *args): """Print to stdout and log file simultaneously.""" mpi.printby0(*args) if mpi.rank == 0 and self.output._has_to_save: with"a") as f: f.write(" ".join(str(a) for a in args) + "\n")
[docs] def plot_dt_cfl(self): """Plot the evolution of the time step and the CFL number""" df = self.load() fig, (ax_top, ax_bot) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True) ax_bot.plot(df.t, df.dt) ax_bot.set_title("time step") ax_bot.set_xlabel("time") ax_top.plot(df.t, df.CFL) ax_top.set_title("CFL number") params = self.output.sim.params if params.nek.general.variable_dt: ax_top.axhline(params.nek.general.target_cfl, color="r", label="Target CFL") ax_top.legend(loc="lower right") fig.tight_layout()
[docs] def plot_nb_iterations(self): """Plot the evolution of the number of iterations for the Poisson solver""" df = self.load() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(df.t, df.pres_it) ax.set_ylabel("number of iterations") ax.set_xlabel("time") fig.tight_layout()