Source code for snek5000.util.archive

"""Post simulation archive-creation utilities"""
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
from glob import iglob
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import rmtree

from .. import logger
from . import modification_date
from .files import next_path

[docs]def archive(tarball, items=(), remove=False, readonly=False): """Archive simulation contents into a tarball / compress a tarball. Examples -------- >>> archive("test.tar.xz", ["file1", "file2"]) # runs tar -cvf test.tar.xz file1 file2 >>> archive("test.tar.gz") # runs gzip test.tar """ if not tarball: raise IOError( "Abort archiving because of illegal tarball name / empty input! " f"tarball: {tarball}, items: {items}" ) # prepare output directory dest = Path.cwd() / "data" dest.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if items: cmd_output, output = exec_tar(tarball, items, remove) else: cmd_output, output = exec_compress(tarball) if readonly: output.chmod(0o444) return cmd_output
[docs]def clean_simul(case, tarball): """Clean a simulation after archiving into a tarball.""" if tarball and not Path(tarball).exists(): raise IOError( f"Archive {tarball} not found. Refusing to clean " "simulation files! Run 'snakemake archive'" ) remove(Path(f"{case}.{ext}") for ext in "re2 ma2 log f nek5000".split()) remove( Path(file) for file in "makefile box.tmp compiler.out SESSION.NAME GIT_REVISION.txt nek5000".split() ) remove([Path("obj")]) field_files = Path.cwd().glob(f"*{case}?.f?????") remove(field_files)
[docs]def exec_compress(tarball): tar, tarball, compress_format = parse_args_from_filename(tarball) if not compress_format: logger.error(f"Cannot compress: {tar} -> {tarball}") return "", tarball # tarball will be compressed in place when no items are provided main = compress_cmd(compress_format).split() output = next_path(tarball) if str(output.absolute()) != str(tarball.absolute()): if compress_format == ".zst": kwargs = ("-o", output) cmd = [*main, str(tar), *kwargs] cmd_output = subprocess.check_output(cmd) else: # do something like gzip -c file.tar > file.tar.gz using main.append("--stdout") with open(tarball, "w") as fp: cmd = [*main, str(tar)], stdout=fp) cmd_output = "" else: cmd = [*main, str(tar)] cmd_output = subprocess.check_output(cmd) return cmd_output, output
[docs]def exec_tar(tarball, items, remove): tar, tarball, compress_format = parse_args_from_filename(tarball) if compress_format: output = tarball if tar.exists(): raise IOError("Cannot append file items into a compressed archive!") else: output = tar main = shlex.split(tar_cmd(compress_format, remove=remove, append=output.exists())) # run command items = [str(i) for i in items] cmd = [*main, str(tar), *items] cmd_output = subprocess.check_output(cmd) return cmd_output, output
[docs]def parse_args_from_filename(tarball): tarball = Path(str(tarball)) # split archive.tar.zst -> archive, .tar, .zst name, dottar, compress_format =".tar") tar = tarball.parent / (name + dottar) return tar, tarball, compress_format
[docs]def compress_cmd(compress_format): compress_program = { ".gz": "pigz" if shutil.which("pigz") else "gzip", ".xz": "xz", ".lz4": "lz4", ".zst": "zstdmt --rm", } cmd = compress_program[compress_format] return cmd
[docs]def tar_cmd(compress_format="", remove=False, append=False): archive_program = { "": "tar", ".gz": f"tar --use-compress-program {compress_cmd('.gz')}", ".xz": "tar", ".lz4": "tar --use-compress-program lz4", ".zst": "tar --use-compress-program zstdmt", } # For benchmarking ... # cmd = "time " + cmd = archive_program[compress_format] if remove: cmd += " --remove-files " elif shutil.which("bsdtar"): # Use bsdtar if available # bsdtar is faster, but does not support --remove-files option cmd = "bsdtar" if append: return cmd + " --append --file" else: # create new tarball return cmd + " -cvf"
[docs]def tar_name( root_name="abl", pattern="*.f?????", compress_format="", subdir="data", default_prefix="test", ): """Generate a tarball name based on contents of current working directory. """ modified_dates = [modification_date(f) for f in iglob(pattern)] cwd = Path.cwd().name if modified_dates: if cwd == root_name: timestamp = max(modified_dates) basename = f"{default_prefix}-{timestamp}" else: basename = cwd return f"{subdir}/{basename}.tar{compress_format}" else: return ""
[docs]def remove(items): """Equivalent to rm -rf""" print("Removing", items) for item in items: if item.is_dir(): rmtree(item, ignore_errors=True) else: try: item.unlink(missing_ok=True) except TypeError: # python < 3.8 pass