First step with snek5000-phill: setting up a simulation#

Installation of snek5000-phill#

The Nek5000 phill example (phill means periodic hill) has been adapted for a workflow using Snek5000. We created a small Python project called snek5000-phill using the Snek5000 API to define the phill case. In this tutorial and in the tutorials Second step with snek5000-phill: Snakemake rules and Demo periodic hill (snek5000-phill solver): running a simulation from a script, we will show how this solver can be used. Let’s first recall that the installation procedure looks like this:

export NEK_SOURCE_ROOT="/path/to/Nek5000"
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install snek5000-phill


The repository snek5000-phill provides a Python package phill - the same name as the usr files. More on packaging Nek5000 files can be found in the packaging tutorial.

params object for simulation parameters#

Creating the params object containing default parameters#

from phill.solver import Simul

params = Simul.create_default_params()

The params object gives you a consolidated view of the parameters which are spread out in a typical Nek5000 case into .par, .box and SIZE file. We will see that the parameters are more verbose and easier to understand. As a bonus, some Nek5000 parameters which depend on others are automatically set. For example, see snek5000.operators.

Studying the parameters (print and get help)#

Now let us take a look at the parameters defining a simulation. In a IPython or Jupyter console, the params object would also output as follows:

<snek5000.params.Parameters object at 0x7f98743b6070>

<params NEW_DIR_RESULTS="True" short_name_type_run="run">
    <general dealiasing="True" dt="-0.0002" end_time="nan"
             extrapolation="standard" filter_cutoff_ratio="0.67"
             filter_modes="2" filter_weight="0.02" filtering="explicit"
             log_level="2" num_steps="20" opt_level="2" start_from=""
             stop_at="num_steps" target_cfl="0.3" time_stepper="bdf3"
             variable_dt="False" write_control="timestep"
             write_double_precision="True" write_interval="100"/>  

    <problemtype equation="incompNS" stress_formulation="False"

    <velocity advection="True" density="1.0" residual_proj="1e-08"
              residual_tol="1e-08" viscosity="-700" write_to_field_file="True"/>  

    <pressure preconditioner="semg_xxt" residual_proj="1e-08"
              residual_tol="1e-08" write_to_field_file="True"/>  

    <mesh write_to_field_file="True"/>  

    <temperature absolute_tol="nan" advection="True" conductivity="nan"
                 conjugate_heat_transfer="False" residual_proj="False"
                 residual_tol="nan" rho_cp="nan" solver="helm"

    <scalar01 absolute_tol="nan" advection="True" density="nan"
              diffusivity="nan" residual_proj="False" residual_tol="nan"
              solver="helm" write_to_field_file="True"/>  


    <runpar parf_name="outparfile" parf_write="False"/>  

    <monitor log_level="4" wall_time="23:45"/>  

    <chkpoint chkp_fnumber="1" chkp_interval="250" read_chkpt="False"/>  

    <stat av_step="10" io_step="50"/>  


  <oper Lx="1.0" Ly="1.0" Lz="1.0" boundary="['P', 'P', 'W', 'W', 'P', 'P']"
        boundary_scalars="[]" dim="3" nproc_max="32" nproc_min="8" nx="22"
        ny="16" nz="19" origin_x="0.0" origin_y="0.0" origin_z="0.0"
        ratio_x="1.0" ratio_y="1.0" ratio_z="1.0" scalars="1">
    <max dim_krylov="30" dim_proj="20" hist="1" obj="1" perturb="1"
         scalars_cons="1" scalars_proj="1" sessions="1"/>  

    <elem coef_dealiasing="0.6666666666666666" order="6" order_out="6"

    <misc fast_diag="False"/>  


  <output HAS_TO_SAVE="True" session_id="0" sub_directory="">
    <phys_fields available_readers="['pymech', 'pymech_stats']"

    <history_points coords="None" write_interval="100"/>  

    <remaining_clock_time period_save_in_seconds="5.0"/>  



One can also print only one section:

<snek5000.params.Parameters object at 0x7f9848e26cd0>

<general dealiasing="True" dt="-0.0002" end_time="nan" extrapolation="standard"
         filter_cutoff_ratio="0.67" filter_modes="2" filter_weight="0.02"
         filtering="explicit" log_level="2" num_steps="20" opt_level="2"
         start_from="" stop_at="num_steps" target_cfl="0.3" time_stepper="bdf3"
         variable_dt="False" write_control="timestep"
         write_double_precision="True" write_interval="100"/>  

or alternatively, with the method _print_as_code (useful for copy-pasting):

general.dealiasing = True
general.dt = -0.0002
general.end_time = nan
general.extrapolation = "standard"
general.filter_cutoff_ratio = 0.67
general.filter_modes = 2
general.filter_weight = 0.02
general.filtering = "explicit"
general.log_level = 2
general.num_steps = 20
general.opt_level = 2
general.start_from = ""
general.stop_at = "num_steps"
general.target_cfl = 0.3
general.time_stepper = "bdf3"
general.variable_dt = False
general.write_control = "timestep"
general.write_double_precision = True
general.write_interval = 100

Note that it is easy to print some help about some parameters:

Documentation for params.oper

Parameters for mesh description:

- ``nx``, ``ny``, ``nz``: int
    Number of elements in each directions
- ``origin_x``, ``origin_y``, ``origin_z``: float
    Starting coordinate of the mesh (default: 0.0)
- ``ratio_x``, ``ratio_y``, ``ratio_z``: float
    Mesh stretching ratio (default: 1.0)
- ``Lx``, ``Ly``, ``Lz``: float
    Length of the domain

Parameters for boundary conditions:

- ``boundary``: list[str]
    :ref:`Velocity boundary conditions <nek:tab:ubcf>`
- ``boundary_scalars``: list[str]
    :ref:`Temperature and passive scalar boundary conditions <nek:tab:userbct>`

The following table matches counterpart of mandatory :ref:`SIZE
<nek:case_files_size>` variables.

==========  ===================   =============================================
SIZE        params.oper           Comment
==========  ===================   =============================================
``ldim``    ``dim``               Domain dimensions (2 or 3)

``lpmin``   ``nproc_min``         Min MPI ranks
``lpmax``   ``nproc_max``         Max MPI ranks
``ldimt``   ``scalars``           Number of auxilary fields (minimum 1).

==========  ===================   =============================================

Documentation for params.oper.max

The following table matches counterpart of optional :ref:`SIZE
<nek:case_files_size>` variables. These refer to upper bound number of
`something`. The parameters are considered "optional" and would be ignored with
the default values.

==============  ===================   =========================================
SIZE            params.oper.max       Comment
==============  ===================   =========================================
``mxprev``      ``dim_proj``          Max. dimension of projection space
``lgmres``      ``dim_krylov``        Max. dimension of Krylov space for GMRES
``lhis``        ``hist``              Max. number of history (i.e. monitoring)

``maxobj``      ``obj``               Max. number of objects?

``lpert``       ``perturb``           Max. number of perturbations
``toteq``       ``scalars_cons``      Max. conserved scalars
``ldimt_proj``  ``scalars_proj``      Max. scalars for residual projection
``nsessmax``    ``sessions``          Max. sessions to NEKNEK

==============  ===================   =========================================

Documentation for params.oper.elem

The following table relate to element configuration for certain operations.
The parameters are considered "optional" (except for ``lx1`` / ``order`` and
``lxd`` / ``coef_dealiasing`` which are mandatory) and would be ignored with
the default values.

==========      ===================   =========================================
SIZE            params.oper.elem      Comment
==========      ===================   =========================================
``lxd``         ``coef_dealiasing``   | p-order [#f1]_ for over-integration.
                                        **Automatically computed** from float
                                      | ``coef_dealiasing``. See

``lx1``         ``order``             p-order (avoid uneven and values <6).

``lxo``         ``order_out``         Max. p-order on output (should be ``>=
                                      order``. See :any:`order_out`)

``lx2``         ``staggered``         | p-order for pressure. **Automatically
                                        computed**. See :any:`order_pressure`

==========      ===================   =========================================

.. [#f1] Polynomial order which means the number of GLL / GL points per element.

Documentation for params.oper.misc

Other miscellaneous parameters:

==========      ===================   =========================================
SIZE            params.oper.misc      Comment
==========      ===================   =========================================
``lfdm``        ``fast_diag``         | Equals to True for global tensor
                                        product solver (that uses fast
                                      | diagonalization method). ``False``
==========      ===================   =========================================


We will see later that the same object params can also be obtained from a simulation object (with sim.params), but the help on the parameters can only be printed from params objects obtained from Simul.create_default_params().

Modifying the parameters#

Of course, the parameters can be modified. For instance, let us tweak the number of elements, time-stepping and I/O parameters

# This affects both the .box and SIZE files
params.oper.nx = 12
params.oper.ny = 10 = 8

# This affects the .par file
params.nek.velocity.residual_tol = 1e-8
params.nek.pressure.residual_tol = 1e-6
params.nek.general.num_steps = 10
params.nek.general.time_stepper = "bdf2"
params.nek.general.write_interval = 10

params.nek.stat.av_step = 3
params.nek.stat.io_step = 10

Creation of the simulation object and directory#

Now let’s create the simulation object (We usually use the name sim.):

sim = Simul(params)
path_run: /home/docs/Sim_data/phill_run_22x16x19_V1.x1.x1._2023-08-24_07-55-59
INFO: session_id: 0
INFO: Writing params files... /home/docs/Sim_data/phill_run_22x16x19_V1.x1.x1._2023-08-24_07-55-59/phill.par, params_simul.xml, info_solver.xml
INFO: sim:                        <class 'phill.solver.SimulPhill'>
sim.oper:                   <class 'snek5000.operators.Operators'>
sim.output.print_stdout:    <class 'snek5000.output.print_stdout.PrintStdOut'>
sim.output.phys_fields:     <class 'snek5000.output.phys_fields.PhysFields'>
sim.output.history_points:  <class 'snek5000.output.history_points.HistoryPoints'>
sim.output.remaining_clock_time: <class 'snek5000.output.remaining_clock_time.RemainingClockTime'>
sim.output:                 <class 'phill.output.OutputPhill'>
sim.make:                   <class 'snek5000.make.Make'>

INFO: Writing box file... /home/docs/Sim_data/phill_run_22x16x19_V1.x1.x1._2023-08-24_07-55-59/
INFO: Writing SIZE file... /home/docs/Sim_data/phill_run_22x16x19_V1.x1.x1._2023-08-24_07-55-59/SIZE

Information is given about the structure of the sim object (which has attributes sim.oper, sim.output and sim.make corresponding to different aspects of the simulation) and about the creation of some files.

We see that a directory has been created with all the files (.usr, .par, .box, SIZE, etc.) necessary to compile and run the simulation. Note that these files has been created based on templates files in the snek5000 and phill packages. The path towards the simulation directory is:


Let’s check that the .par, .box and SIZE files are present:

!ls {sim.path_run}
SIZE		  etc		    map_user_params.json  phill.log  toolbox
Snakefile	  info_solver.xml   params_simul.xml	  phill.par
config_simul.yml		  phill.usr


The path of the directory where the simulation directories are saved can be changed through the environment variable FLUIDSIM_PATH.