
Preliminary: introduction on Nek5000 classical workflow

Let’s recall that working with Nek5000 involves:

  • setting up a directory with different files defining a simulation, in particular (for a case called phill), phill.usr defining Fortran functions, phill.par, phill.box and SIZE containing parameters, SESSION.NAME, etc.

  • running commands to create the mesh, compile and launch the simulation.

To restart a simulation or create another simulation from a previous one, other manual file manipulations are necessary.

Then, some output files can be analyzed and used to produce figures and movies.

Snek5000 is a unified framework providing a Python API and shell commands to help us for these different steps. These tutorials present how it works in practice.

Versions used in these tutorials:

Package         Version
-------         -------
snek5000        0.9.2
fluiddyn        0.5.2
fluidsim_core   0.7.3
pymech          1.5.0
snakemake       7.32.3

Installed solvers: canonical, cbox, kth, nek, phill, tgv

The snek5000-cbox repository contains scripts used for a real life study that can be interesting for any Snek5000 users.