Source code for snek5000.params

"""Runtime parameters
Scripting interface for Nek5000 :ref:`parameter file <nek:case_files_par>`.

import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import textwrap
from ast import literal_eval
from configparser import ConfigParser
from io import StringIO
from math import nan
from pathlib import Path

from inflection import camelize, underscore

from fluidsim_core.params import Parameters as _Parameters

from .log import logger
from .solvers import get_solver_short_name, import_cls_simul

literal_python2nek = {
    nan: "<real>",
    "nan": "nan",
    "None": "none",
    "True": "yes",
    "False": "no",
literal_nek2python = {v: k for k, v in literal_python2nek.items()}
literal_prune = ("<real>", "", "nan")

#: JSON file name to which recorded user_params are saved
filename_map_user_params = "map_user_params.json"

[docs]def _as_nek_value(input_value): """Convert Python values to equivalent Nek5000 par values.""" # Convert to string to avoid hash collisions # hash(1) == hash(True) literal = str(input_value) if input_value is not nan else nan value = literal_python2nek.get(literal, input_value) return value
[docs]def camelcase(value): """Convert strings to ``camelCase``.""" return camelize(str(value).lower(), uppercase_first_letter=False)
[docs]def _check_user_param_index(idx): """Check if the index of user parameter is within bounds""" if idx > 20: raise ValueError(f"userParam {idx = } > 20")
[docs]def _as_python_value(input_value): """Convert Nek5000 par values to equivalent Python values if possible.""" value = literal_nek2python.get(str(input_value), input_value) try: return literal_eval(value) except (SyntaxError, ValueError): return value
[docs]def load_params(path_dir="."): """Load a :class:`snek5000.params.Parameters` instance from `path_dir`. Parameters ---------- path_dir : str or path-like Path to a simulation directory. Returns ------- params: :class:`snek5000.params.Parameters` """ from snek5000.util.files import _path_try_from_fluidsim_path path_dir = _path_try_from_fluidsim_path(path_dir) short_name = get_solver_short_name(path_dir) Simul = import_cls_simul(short_name) return Simul.load_params_from_file( path_xml=path_dir / "params_simul.xml", path_par=path_dir / f"{short_name}.par", )
[docs]class Parameters(_Parameters): """Container for reading, modifying and writing :ref:`par files <nek:case_files_par>`. :param tag: A string representing name of case files (for example: provide ``"abl"`` for files like ``abl.usr, abl.par`` etc). """
[docs] @classmethod def _load_params_simul(cls, path=None): """Alias for :func:`load_params`""" return load_params(path or Path.cwd())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): comments = ("#",) self._set_internal_attr( "_par_file", ConfigParser(comment_prefixes=comments, inline_comment_prefixes=comments), ) # Only enabled parameters would be written into par file self._set_internal_attr("_enabled", True) # User parameters sections should begin with an underscore self._set_internal_attr("_user", True) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Like in Python Nek5000's par files are case insensitive. # However for consistency, case sensitivity is enforced: self._par_file.optionxform = str
[docs] def _make_dict_attribs(self): d = super()._make_dict_attribs() # Append internal attributes d.update({"_enabled": self._enabled, "_user": self._user}) if hasattr(self, "_recorded_user_params"): d["_recorded_user_params"] = self._recorded_user_params return d
def __update_par_section( self, section_name, section_dict, has_to_prune_literals=True ): """Updates a section of the ``par_file`` object from a dictionary.""" par = self._par_file # Start with underscore if it is a user section section_name_par = "_" if section_dict["_user"] else "" section_name_par += section_name.upper().lstrip("_") if section_name_par not in par.sections(): par.add_section(section_name_par) if "_recorded_user_params" in section_dict: recorded_user_params = section_dict.pop("_recorded_user_params") else: recorded_user_params = False for option, value in section_dict.items(): value = _as_nek_value(value) if has_to_prune_literals and value in literal_prune: continue # Make everything consistent where values refer to option names # if option in ("stop_at", "write_control"): if str(value) in section_dict: value = camelcase(value) par.set(section_name_par, camelcase(option), str(value)) # _recorded_user_params -> userParam%% if not recorded_user_params: return params = self._parent if self._tag != "nek" or params._tag != "params": raise RuntimeError( "_recorded_user_params should only be in params.nek.general" ) for idx_uparam in sorted(recorded_user_params.keys()): tag = recorded_user_params[idx_uparam] _check_user_param_index(idx_uparam) value = _as_nek_value(params[tag]) par.set( section_name_par, f"userParam{idx_uparam:02d}", str(value), )
[docs] def _sync_par(self, has_to_prune_literals=True, keep_all_sections=False): """Sync values in param children and attributes to ``self._par_file`` object. """ if self._tag_children: data = [ (child, getattr(self, child)._make_dict_tree()) for child in self._tag_children ] else: # No children data = [(self._tag, self._make_dict_attribs())] for child, d in data: # Section name is often written in [UPPERCASE] section_name = child.upper() self.__update_par_section( section_name, d, has_to_prune_literals=has_to_prune_literals ) self.__tidy_par(keep_all_sections)
def __tidy_par(self, keep_all_sections=False): """Remove internal attributes and disabled sections from par file.""" par = self._par_file for section_name in par.sections(): par.remove_option(section_name, "_user") if keep_all_sections: enabled = True else: enabled = par.getboolean(section_name, "_enabled") if enabled: par.remove_option(section_name, "_enabled") else: par.remove_section(section_name)
[docs] def _autodoc_par(self, indent=0): """Autodoc a code block with ``ini`` syntax and set docstring.""" self._sync_par(has_to_prune_literals=False, keep_all_sections=True) docstring = "\n.. code-block:: ini\n\n" with StringIO() as output: self._par_file.write(output) ini = output.getvalue() docstring += textwrap.indent(ini, " ") if ini: self._set_doc(self._doc + textwrap.indent(docstring, " " * indent))
[docs] def _record_nek_user_params(self, nek_params_keys, overwrite=False): """Record some Nek user parameters Examples -------- >>> params._record_nek_user_params({"prandtl": 2, "rayleigh": 3}) >>> params.output.history_points._record_nek_user_params({"write_interval": 4}) This is going to set or modify the internal attribute ``params.nek.general._recorded_user_params`` to ``{2: "prandtl", 3: "rayleigh", 4: "output.other.write_interval"}``. This attribute is then used to write the ``[GENERAL]`` section of the .par file. Note that this attribute is only for ``params.nek.general`` and should never be set for other parameter children. """ # we need to find where is self in the tree compared to `params` current = self parent = current._parent tag = current._tag path = tag # iterate up the `params` tree to the top while not (parent is None and tag == "params") and not ( parent._tag == "info_simul" and tag == "params" ): current = parent parent = current._parent tag = current._tag path = f"{tag}.{path}" params = current assert params._tag == "params" # path relative to params: # we have `(path, name)` equal to # `("params.output.history_points", "write_interval")` or # `("params", "rayleigh")` and we want to end up with # `"output.history_points.write_interval"` or `rayleigh`, resp. path = path[len("params") :] if path.startswith("."): path = path[1:] if path: path = path + "." user_params = {} for name, key in nek_params_keys.items(): user_params[key] = f"{path}{name}" # Useful while building isolated `params` for a specific class, # for e.g.: Operators, Output etc. if not hasattr(params, "nek"): log_level = logging.DEBUG if "sphinx" in sys.modules else logging.WARNING logger.log( log_level, ( "Attribute params.nek does not exist, skipping " "initializing user parameters." ), ) return general = params.nek.general if not hasattr(general, "_recorded_user_params"): general._set_internal_attr("_recorded_user_params", {}) if overwrite: general._recorded_user_params.update(user_params) return for key, value in user_params.items(): if key in general._recorded_user_params: raise ValueError( f"{key = } already used for user parameter " f"{general._recorded_user_params[key]}" ) general._recorded_user_params[key] = value
[docs] def _change_index_userparams(self, user_params): """Change indices for user parameters This method can be used in the ``create_default_params`` class method of a solver to overwrite the default indices used in the base snek5000 package. This method checks that no already recorded parameters are overwritten. To overwrite a parameter, use ``_record_nek_user_params`` with the ``overwrite`` argument. Examples -------- >>> params._change_index_userparams({8: "output.history_points.write_interval"} """ if self._tag != "params": raise ValueError( "The method `_change_index_userparams` has to be called " "directly with the root `params` object." ) try: general = self.nek.general except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("No `params.nek.general` attribute.") try: recorded_user_params = general._recorded_user_params except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "No `general._recorded_user_params` attribute. This attribute " "can be created with `_record_nek_user_params`." ) # check that no user parameters are overwritten modified_labels = [] for index in user_params: try: modified_labels.append(recorded_user_params[index]) except KeyError: pass values = user_params.values() for label in modified_labels: if label not in values: raise ValueError( f"The value {label} would be removed from the user params." ) reverted = {value: key for key, value in recorded_user_params.items()} for label in user_params.values(): try: key = reverted[label] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"User parameter {label = } is not already recorded. " "Use `_record_nek_user_params`" ) del recorded_user_params[key] recorded_user_params.update(user_params)
[docs] def _save_as_xml(self, path_file=None, comment=None, find_new_name=False): """Invoke :func:`_save_recorded_user_params` and then save to an XML file at ``path_file``.""" try: user_params = self.nek.general._recorded_user_params except AttributeError: pass else: if path_file is None: path_dir = Path.cwd() else: path_dir = Path(path_file).parent _save_recorded_user_params(user_params, path_dir) return super()._save_as_xml( path_file=path_file, comment=comment, find_new_name=find_new_name )
[docs]def _save_recorded_user_params(user_params, path_dir): """Save a JSON file from a dictionary denoting ``user_params``""" with open(path_dir / filename_map_user_params, "w") as file: json.dump(user_params, file)
[docs]def _load_recorded_user_params(path): """Load a JSON file and return a dictionary denoting ``user_params``""" with open(path) as file: tmp = json.load(file) return {int(key): value for key, value in tmp.items()}
[docs]def _check_path_like(path): """Ensure input is a path-like object""" if not isinstance(path, os.PathLike): raise TypeError(f"Expected path-like object, not {type(path) = }")
[docs]def _get_params_nek(params): """Check if params is the top level object (via the ``_tag`` attribute) and return the ``params.nek`` object. Parameters ---------- params: :class:`Parameters` The ``params`` object Returns ------- params.nek: :class:`Parameters` The ``params.nek`` object """ if not isinstance(params, Parameters): raise TypeError if params._tag != "params": raise ValueError(f'{params._tag = } != "params"') if params.nek._tag != "nek": raise RuntimeError(f'{params.nek._tag =} != "nek"') return params.nek
[docs]def _save_par_file(params, path, mode="w"): """Save the ``params.nek`` object as a `.par` file.""" nek = _get_params_nek(params) nek._sync_par() _check_path_like(path) with open(path, mode) as fp: nek._par_file.write(fp) if hasattr(nek.general, "_recorded_user_params"): _save_recorded_user_params(nek.general._recorded_user_params, path.parent)
[docs]def _str_par_file(params): """Preview contents of the resulting `.par` file as a string""" nek = _get_params_nek(params) nek._sync_par() with StringIO() as output: nek._par_file.write(output) return output.getvalue()
[docs]def complete_params_from_par_file(params, path): """Populate the ``params.nek`` object by reading a `.par` file and :attr:`filename_map_user_params`. """ _check_path_like(path) if not path.exists(): raise IOError(f"{path} does not exist.") nek = _get_params_nek(params) recorded_user_params_path = path.with_name(filename_map_user_params) if recorded_user_params_path.exists(): recorded_user_params = _load_recorded_user_params(recorded_user_params_path) elif hasattr(nek.general, "_recorded_user_params"): recorded_user_params = nek.general._recorded_user_params else: recorded_user_params = {} for section in nek._par_file.sections(): params_child = getattr(nek, section.lower().lstrip("_")) for option, value in nek._par_file.items(section): value = _as_python_value(value) # userParam%% -> user_params if option.lower().startswith("userparam"): idx_uparam = int(option[-2:]) _check_user_param_index(idx_uparam) if idx_uparam not in recorded_user_params: logger.warning( f"{idx_uparam = } not in {recorded_user_params = } so we" "cannot update the right parameter in the object `params`." "It might be because you load a simulation done with " "an old snek5000 (< 0.8), or it might be a bug :-)" ) tag = recorded_user_params[idx_uparam] # set the corresponding parameter params[tag] = value else: attrib = underscore(option) setattr(params_child, attrib, value)
[docs]def _complete_params_from_xml_file(params, path_xml): """Populate the ``params.nek`` object by reading a `.xml` file and :attr:`filename_map_user_params`. """ _check_path_like(path_xml) params._load_from_xml_file(str(path_xml)) nek = _get_params_nek(params) path_recorded_user_params = Path(path_xml).parent / filename_map_user_params if path_recorded_user_params.exists(): nek.general._set_internal_attr( "_recorded_user_params", _load_recorded_user_params(path_recorded_user_params), )
create_params = Parameters._create_params